P 1 Arnold Magne c Technologies (Arnold), traces its roots back to the late 1800's. If you have flown in a commercial or military aircra , made a photocopy, or driven a car, off-road vehicle, tractor or other construc on equipment, chances are that an Arnold magnet or assembly was part of the many magne c systems. Today our three main business units include: ● PMAG (Precision Magnets and Assemblies Group) - magnets, assemblies and reprographics ● Precision Thin Metals—ultra-thin metal foil and strip for both magne c and non-magne c uses ● Flexmag—bonded magnets (sheet and strip) for the prin ng and OEM industry Our goal is to work closely with our customers and Engineer Solu ons Together. Today we are one of the only western companies that produces alnico, RECOMA brand samarium cobalt, ferrite bonded magnets, neodymium iron boron bonded magnets (both injec on molded and compression bonded) magnets. In addi on we provide assembly capabili es from prototype to produc on of assemblies from grams to hundreds of pounds. Today we consider ourselves one of the most modern and largest U.S. based magne cs company but we are proud of our long heritage in the industry.